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Österreichische Gesellschaft für Psychosomatik und Psychotherapeutische Medizin
Medicine is neither a “medicine for bodies without souls” nor a “medicine for souls without bodies.”
– Thure von Uexküll


Austrian Society for Psychosomatics and Psychotherapeutic Medicine


This site is intended for our members and anyone with an interest in a biological, psychological and social understanding of health and sickness, psychosomatics, psychotherapy and medicine.

The ASPPM is the scientific association for psychosocial, psychosomatic and psychotherapeutic medicine.
The ASPPM is an association of highly-qualified doctors from all fields of medicine. In addition to our medical training, we have all completed up to 7 years of specialised further training in the fields of psychosomatics and psychotherapy. We care for people who are ill, who find themselves in difficult situations or who are experiencing emotional or mental anguish. We inform, advise, examine and treat our patients according to the current state of the medical art while applying the latest scientific knowledge from the fields of psychosomatics, psychotherapeutic medicine and psychotherapy.

Mission Statement

The ASPPM is the Society for Psychosomatics and Psychotherapeutic Medicine. Today, modern scientific knowledge has moved far beyond the simple view of man as a dichotomy of body (soma) and soul (psyche). It now confirms an enduring, complex and constantly adapting interconnection between physical states, feelings and life experiences that never ceases to adapt. Despite this broader biological, psychological, and eco-social understanding, the term psychosomatic continues to be used for the sake of simplicity.
  • The ASPPM furthers and supports sound therapeutic interventions and thinking based on a modern biological, psychological, eco-social understanding of the states of health and sickness.
  • The ASPPM integrates the latest findings from neuro-scientific, psychosomatic and psychotherapeutic research with the latest methods of medical treatment.
  • The ASPPM promotes the integration of psychosomatics as a key area in medical intervention, science and society.
  • The ASPPM represents physicians dedicated to advancing psychosomatics and psychotherapy in the areas of prevention, health promotion, health care, further training, teaching and research.
  • Patients should have easy access to doctors who have been specially trained in the fields of psychosomatics and psychotherapy.
  • Patients who are ill or in difficult situations or who are suffering emotional or mental anguish receive physical examinations, treatment, information, advice and care from doctors who are members of the ASPPM. The organisation’s members provide a clear overview of all branches of medicine, psychosomatics, psychotherapeutic medicine and psychotherapy.
  • For members and colleagues, the ASPPM offers a forum for professional exchange and inter-disciplinary networking. In addition, the ASPPM campaigns for the interests of its members and represents them vis-à-vis other organisations, institutions, statutory corporations and in the public arena.



PD Dr. med. Christian Fazekas

+43 644 1319222
+43 316 385 83045
Vice President

Dr. med. Joachim Strauß

+43 699 10567721
Board Member

ÖÄ Dr. med. Evelyn Kunschitz

+43 699 17103503

Dr. med. Luise Zieser-Stelzhammer, MAS

+43 699 11362242
Deputy Secretary

Dr. med. Susanne Felgel-Farnholz

+43 699 11010951
Treasurer, Office Management

Dr. med. Nicole Saravandi-Rad

+43 699 11007661
Deputy Treasurer

Dr. med. Hans-Peter Edlhaimb, MSc

+43 2252 48450

Past Presidents

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Anton Leitner, MSc
Prof. Prim. DDr. Dipl. Psych. Andreas Remmel
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Walter Pieringer
Dr. med. Manfred Kolar, MAS, MSc

Honorary Presidents

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Walter Pieringer
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Wesiack



In 1994 the Austrian Chamber of Physicians (ÖÄK) founded the Austrian Society for Psychotherapeutic Medicine (ÖGPM) as the professional association charged with managing continuing professional development in psychosomatic and psychotherapeutic medicine. Since 1995 the ÖGPM has carried out annual evaluations of the ÖAK-Diplomas Psy1, Psy2 and Psy3 and adapts them to keep abreast of the latest medical research.

ARGE Psychotherapeutische Medizin

In 1998 graduates founded the Working Group Psychotherapeutic Medicine to represent the interests of candidates and graduates.


In 2005 the ÖGPM and the Working Group Psychotherapeutic Medicine merged to form the Austrian Society for Psychosomatic and Psychotherapeutic Medicine (ASPPM).

Legal Information

Medium Owner, Publisher and Responsible for Content

Austrian Society for Psychosomatics and
Psychotherapeutic Medicine
Vienna Medical Academy
Alser-Straße 4
1090 Vienna

Associations Registration Number: 256699235


Wiedner Gürtel 46a/4
1040 Wien

Dr. Nicole Saravandi-Rad
T +43 699 11007661

Bank Details

Bank Account:
Erste Bank
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Psychosomatik und Psychotherapeutische Medizin
Account No.: 29331598400, Sort Code 20111 (Erste Bank)
IBAN 2011 1293 3159 8400